Oligo pool libraries


Oligo pools are a high-throughput design strategy for cloning. Researchers can apply to various application needs, including CRISPR gRNA libraries, mutation libraries, and transcriptomic machinery such as promoter function, etc.. With oligo pools, you can design an unlimited number of <= 300nt sequences to be synthesized by Twist all at once, and the DIVA team will clone them all into your vector of interest. The DIVA team will then sequence the vector pool and provide an abundance analysis of each sequence from the pool.

You'll be provided with the vector library in the form of purified DNA, and the glycerol stock will be available in ICE.

User Guidance

The process of getting an oligo pool library created by the DIVA team is easy: just design the oligo pool, meet with the DIVA team to discuss budgeting, and then receive the cloned and validated library in ~6-8 weeks (including lead time of the pool from Twist, and sequence validation).

To design an oligo pool, create a spreadsheet (.csv or .xlsx) with two columns: name and sequence. Fill out the sheet for all sequences, assigning a name to each sequence. Then send this file to the DIVA team and we'll schedule a meeting with you to discuss the budget and projected timeline.

NOTE: There must be a conserved 5' and 3' region across all oligos to allow for amplification of the pool. At a minimum, ensure that the first and last 15 bp of each sequence are uniform across all sequences.

Validation Output

The DIVA team performs an abundance analysis of each pool sequence in the resulting library, and provides counts for each observed oligo sequence during sequencing. Historical distributions are Normal, with observation of retention of up to 99.5% of oligos.