Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

We are currently accepting bacteria and eukaryotes with small genome sizes. Maximum data throughput for one run is 12-15 Gb.  Users will get 150X coverage for 16 small whole genomes (< 5 Mb) using the 2x300 V3 sequencing pipeline. We also help users to prepare high molecular genomic DNA with additional costs. Please submit a request to get a quote and it's highly recommended to discuss with the DIVA team in advance. 

Turnaround time

As low as 7 business days (depending on sample numbers and queue status).

PCR-free WGS 

Required DNA amount: >200 ng of HMW DNA

User Guidance

Low Input WGS

Required DNA amount: >20 ng of HMW DNA

User Guidance

*This method requires PCR amplification and may introduce bias to your results.